News & Announcements
Heathcoat Cricket Club
Posted on April 1st at 22:00 by Dan

In the late summer of 2012, John Smith Chairman of Heathcoat Cricket Club contacted Woodenways and asked to look at some outline drawings for a new Cricket Pavilion. Dan Franklin our chief designer looked over the plans and suggested a real timber frame (as an alternative to the initial imported timber designs), built from the timber lying in the woods on Knightshayes Estate. The idea was taken up by the cricket club, the funders (Viridor Waste and the ECB) and land owners The National Trust.
We started extracting trees on Knightshayes Court in November 2012 with the aid of Yabsley Contracting and converted all timbers on site with our Serra Bandmill. All the timber was kindly donated by the National Trust at Knightshayes Court, and was a mixture of windblown chestnut and phytophera diseased larch. Whilst one Woodenways team winched and milled the timber on site the timber frame was being designed, constructed and clad to suit the timber coming out.
Thanks to the amazing team at Heathcoat Cricket Club who worked night and day on the foundations, roof and finishings. The Pavilion was completed before the cricket season of 2013.